Welcome to XtraUpload!!!

I am building support forum for XtraUpload. Maybe this forums will open in 2015/4/1

There are support categories which have general, translation, extensions, and skins.

XtraUpload is a turn-key PHP application for setting up a file hosting enviroment. It automates the uploading and downloading of files shared by your users and is extremely customizable. It is built on the CodeIgniter PHP Framework and is compatable with a large majority of web server configurations. XtraUpload has support for multiple user groups, premium users with unlimited tiers, multiple file upload, password protected file links, file folders, image galleries, automatic image processing, loads of configuration options, skins, plugins, and so much more. Don't waste your time and money dealing with a compeditors product, XtraUpload is FREE(Modified Apache 2.0 License, open source) and very stable.

$ git clone git@github.com:momo-i/XtraUpload.git
$ cd XtraUpload
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout 3.0.0